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发布时间:2022年04月05日 17:55   文章来源:   浏览次数:

       张春晓,博士,副教授,硕导。2012年毕业于四川大学轻化工程专业,获工学学士学位;2016年毕业于四川大学皮革化学与工程专业,获工学博士学位。2016年7月至今,在四川大学生物质与皮革工程系从事教学科研工作,兼任中国皮革协会科技委员会委员,四川省皮革学会理事,虚拟仿真实验教学联盟轻工类专业委员会秘书。Journal of Cleaner Production, Journal of Hazards Material, Collagen and Leather, Bioprocess and Biosystem Engineering等国际著名学术期刊审稿人。



n 动物皮生物质高值化利用生物预处理技术(国家重点研发计划项目子课题)

n 制革过程中重金属源头减排技术(国家自然科学基金-青年基金项目)

n 制革清洁技术及功能型关键助剂的合成与应用(四川省成果转化项目)

n 胶原化学与材料及制革废弃物高值化循环利用技术(中国博士后科学基金项目)


[1] 国家重点研发计划项目子课题:制革过程中酶作用机制及关键生物技术的研发与产业化示范(2017YFB0308402-01),主持。

[2] 国家自然科学基金项目:多配体协同作用对铬在动物皮内渗透-结合性能和交联强度的调控机制及应用(21908149),主持。

[3] 四川省科技成果转移转化示范项目(课题):高物性环保含硅复鞣加脂剂制备技术成果转化(2022ZHCG0090),主持。

[4] 中国博士后科学基金特别资助项目:铬鞣制革中基于无盐高吸铬鞣技术的铬近零排放关键技术(2018T110974),主持。

[5] 四川省重大科技成果转化示范项目(课题):清洁制革关键生物材料的开发及产业化(2017CC0080),主持。

[6] 中国博士后科学基金面上项目:制革中脂肪酶多步嵌入的动物皮高效脱脂技术(2018M633366),主持。

[7] 技术开发(委托)项目(19H0277),蛋白酶在制革工艺中的应用性能评价技术咨询,主持。

[8] 技术开发(委托)项目(21H0843),新型加脂剂原料在皮革加脂中的应用性能,主持。


[1] Chunxiao Zhang, TingLiu, BaoshengHuang, XuZhang, BiyuPeng*, ChangdaoMu. Ammonium-free and grain-protection deliming technology with the combination of aromatic sulfonic acid and sodium dihydrogen phosphate in leather manufacture [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2023.135900

[2] Chunxiao Zhang, Buqing Ye, Jinzhi Song and Biyu Peng. Effects of Calcium Content on the Enzymatic Bating of Delimed Hides [J]. Journal of the American Leather Chemists Association, 2022, 117(12):507-514.

[3] Shan Li, Fengxiang Luo, Sadaqat Ali Chattha, Chunxiao Zhang*, Biyu Peng, Changdao Mu. Surfactant-free beamhouse technology of leather manufacturing: Removing constraints for the breakdown of natural fats catalyzed by lipase [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 261, 121187.

[4] Xinju Jia, Chunxiao Zhang**, Sadaqat Ali Chattha, Biyu Peng*. A salt-free pickling chrome tanning technology: Pretreatment with the collective polyoxyethylene diepoxy ether and urotropine [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 244, 118706.

[5] Zhang Chunxiao, Xia Fuming, Long Jiajun, Peng Biyu*. An integrated technology to minimize the pollution of chromium in wet-end process of leather manufacture [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017, 154: 276~283.

[6] Chunxiao ZhangJiang LinXinju JiaBiyu Peng.* A Salt-free and Chromium Discharge Minimizing Tanning Technology: the Novel Cleaner Integrated Chrome Tanning Process [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016, 112: 1055-1063.

[7] Chunxiao Zhang, Fuming Xia, BiyuPeng*, Qing Shi, Dominic Cheung, Yongbin Ye.Minimization of Chromium Discharge inLeather Processing by Using Methanesulfonic Acid: a Cleaner Pickling-Masking-Chrome Tanning System [J]. Journal of the American Leather Chemists Association, 2016(12), 111: 435-446.

[8] Xu Zhang, Xiang Zhong, Mengchu Gao, Biyu Peng*, Chunxiao Zhang**. Enzymatic Bating Technology for Wet Blue:II. The Basic Properties and Application Effectiveness of Typical Acidic Proteases [J]. Journal of the American Leather Chemists Association, 2020, 115: 444-452.

[9] Chunxiao Zhang, Jieming Hu, Desheng Yu, Cong Xia, Sadaquat Ali Chattha, Biyu Peng*. Exploration of the diffusion, binding and crosslinking of chromium complex within hides during chrome tanning [J]. Journal of the American Leather Chemists Association, 2019, 114(5): 180-188.

[10] 叶步青,闫丽丽,隆佳君,张春晓*,彭必雨. 浸酸铬鞣方法对铬鞣废液直接循环利用性能的影响[J]. 皮革科学与工程,2020, 31(1):1-5.


[1] 张春晓,彭必雨,贾欣驹,虞德胜,夏聪. 一种基于复合配体协同作用的无盐不浸酸动物皮铬鞣方法, 授权号:ZL201910205401.3.

[2] 彭必雨,贾欣驹,张春晓,虞德胜. 一种基于环氧化合物的动物皮清洁鞣制方法, 授权号:ZL201810227626.4.

[3] 彭必雨,田永鑫,张春晓,高蒙初,张旭,钟祥. 一种对皮表面进行钙盐矿化包覆保护皮粒面的酶脱毛方法, 授权号:ZL202110405641.5.

[4] 彭必雨,贾欣驹,张春晓. 一种聚乙二醇均三嗪衍生物鞣剂的制备方法及其应用, 授权号:ZL202110604401.8.


[1] Zhang C.X.*, Liang H.M., Peng B.Y.. High exhaustion chrome tanning with the chrome tanning liquor made from the chrome precipitation recycled in leather processing, XXXVI International Union of Leather Technologists and Chemists Societies Congress, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2021. 11.3-11.5(Poster)

[2] Chunxiao Zhang, Jieming Hu, Cong Xia, Yanhong Li, Biyu Peng abc*. Chromium (Cr(III)) basic point - alkali (OH-) capturing: the mechanism of high exhaustion chrome tanning [A}. The 11th Asian International Conference of Leather Science and Technology, Xi'an, China, 2018.

[3] 张春晓. 制革生物脱脂技术存在的问题及策略和展望, 第六届全国 酶制剂研究开发与技术研讨会,北京, 2018-12-15至2018-12-17 (特邀报告)

[4] 张春晓. 基于新型高吸收铬鞣方法的铬和氯离子减量排放集成技术, 2016第十一届全国皮革化学品学术会议, 济南, 2016-7-27至2016-7-30 (大会报告)

[5] Chunxiao Zhang. A salt-free and high exhaustion chromium tanning method at a high beginning pH, 10th Asian international Conference on Leather Science and Technology, Okayama, 2014-11-23至2014-11-26 (Oral)

[6] Gao Mengchu, Song Jinzhi, Zhu Yiwen, Zhang Xu, Zhang Chunxiao, Peng Biyu*. Permeation behaviors of protease into animal hide and their kinetic analyses [O]. The 13th Asian International Conference of Leather Science and Technology, Palmerston North, New Zealand, 2022.



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